Three hundred people came to the preventive event
On the occasion of the World Day of Stroke, the Educational Day attracted to the St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno nearly three hundred visitors. Stands were prepared for them to measure blood pressure, blood sugar, learn how to properly care for their teeth and especially learn about the risk of stroke.
The event was organized for the sixth time by the Stroke Research Team of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) led by her research and educational program HOBIT (Hour of Biology for Life). “The aim of the event was to raise awareness of stroke, interested people learned about prevention how to correctly recognize symptoms of stroke and especially how to respond to them in a timely and fast way,” said Hana Maršálková, event organizer and manager of the HOBIT program. “There was a constant crowd at individual sites, I am glad that there was also a lot of participants on public lecture on stroke.”
The awareness raising event is part of the HOBIT program. Its aim is to provide people with multimedia and simulation education with information that will enable them to save their lives to a person with a heart or brain attack.