Ing. Pavel Leinveber


Tel: +420 543 185 536

CF focus

  • BME can offer its services in two basic configurations:
  • HiSeM laboratories – High Sensitivity Measurement laboratories for diagnostic measurements of very sensitive and low amplitude biological signals. HiSeM includes two professionally built Faraday cages (MR-Schutztechnik, Dieburg, Germany) providing the shielding of outer interfering electromagnetic fields from low frequencies such as 0.1Hz. The labs are located two floors below the street level.
  • Flexible Laboratories – Complex laboratories dedicated to noninvasive as well as the minimally invasive measurement of all kinds of biological signals. The laboratories are mainly equipped for cardiac, vascular, and neural diagnostics and protocols, and can be individually set up for a particular purpose of use. There are two laboratories with a simple shielding system and one faraday cage located on the 3rd floor.

Offered services

  • Technical help with the biological data acquisition, and analysis.
  • Research data management – BME database:
  • The DB offers aggregation of manually entered parameters with automated archiving of large “raw” data from modalities and other devices.
  • Aggregation of all information sources into one sophisticated user interface (e.g. semi-automatic archiving of biochem. labs results from hospital information system).
  • Structured data ready for direct export for statistical analyses (Biostatistics Core Facility).
  • Specific requirements:
  • SW requirements – programming.
  • HW requirements – development of experimental devices.

Technological equipment

  • The laboratories are equipped to cover a wide portfolio of clinically and research-oriented needs, including the control rooms with video monitoring. The relevant equipment available to be used for the projects in the laboratories:
  • State-of-the-art acquisition system for experimental neuro-cardio electrophysiology (M&I Praha, Czech Republic). Battery powered system with sampling frequency up to 25kHz per channel, amplitude resolution 24bits, and simultaneous measurement of up to 192 referential channels (EEG, ECG, EMG, etc.) plus other signals from different sources (blood pressure, heart sounds, video, etc.).
  • Ultrasound Vivid E9 (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) including 2D cardio, linear, abdominal, 4D (1 ultrasound device for all labs).
  • Hemodynamic monitors B 850 and 450 (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) including central stations in control rooms.
  • Non-invasive measurement of continuous blood pressure (Portapres and Finometer, Finapres Medical Systems, Enschede, Netherland).
  • Tilt tables