Workshop for Physicians on Improving Coordination of Neurological Care: Key Findings and Future Directions

On June 21, 2024, a professional workshop for physicians focused on improving the coordination of neurological care took place, attended by 16 physicians. The main goal of the meeting was to discuss the results of the CARES-CZ project and explore…

Conference on Translating Preclinical Research into Clinical Excellence

From June 12–14, 2024, the conference Novel Perspectives of Thrombolysis: Translating Preclinical Research into Clinical Excellence was organized in Telč. This event welcomed prominent international scientists who presented their work…

Within Alliance4Life, we have launched the A4L_BRIDGE project

Last week, at CEITEC within the Alliance4Life framework, the A4L_BRIDGE project was launched. It is a joint initiative focused on advancing research and innovation in Central and Eastern Europe. The project involves 10 institutions from 9 countries,…