
A first heart attack followed by another? One unique project teaches patients how to prevent this

Almost 23,000 people in the Czech Republic suffer from acute myocardial infarction every year. Those who get to a specialized cardiac centre in time stand a good chance of survival. However, one-third of the patients soon return to hospital…

Petra Sedova Received a Grant Supporting Women-Scientists

In December, Dr. Petra Šedová of our Cerebrovascular Research Team received the Martina Roesel Memorial Grant for 2018. It is a grant to women-scientists seeking to combine quality care for their preschool children with their research…

FNUSA-ICRC Met With Other Members of Alliance4Life in Croatian Zagreb

The third Alliance4Life project meeting took place in Zagreb, Croatia, in early December. All focus groups participated in various lectures and workshops and, in conclusion, suggested follow-up procedures, trainings and objectives for further…