Obesity as a trigger of neurodegenerative diseases?

RNDr. Jan Fröhlich, Ph.D. and Dr. Manlio Vinciguerra of the Epigenetics, Metabolism and Aging FNUSA-ICRC Research team, in collaboration with a research institute at the Medical University in Varna, published a successful review summarizing…

2nd Hands-on Computational Enzyme Design Course

The Hands-on Computational Enzyme Design Course is a highly practical and interactive course meant primarily for protein and metabolic engineers with no prior experience in computer modelling and bioinformatics. Other experts willing…

The European Commission has awarded the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award) to our center

Improving the quality of care for human resources, transparent recruitment and selection of employees, support for the development of professional growth, equal working and salary conditions for women and men and many other benefits. All this…