MU Rector’s Award was awarded to doc. Paruch

Doc. Mgr. Kamil Paruch, Ph.D., who has been leading the FNUSA-ICRC Medicinal Chemistry research team since 2011, has been awarded the MU Rector's Award for significant creative achievement. Masaryk University is his alma mater, graduated from…

FNUSA-ICRC visited by delegation from Taiwan

The 6th Czech-Taiwan Technology Days took place in Prague on 7 May, this time focusing on smart solutions in industry, autonomous transport and medical technology. A delegation from the HSC (Healthcare Systems Consortium) in Taiwan…

Dog owners are healthier. They show a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, a new study has confirmed

Pet owners show a lower risk of cardiovascular disease; dog owners rank the best among them. These are the results of a cross-sectional analysis of data collected in the 2030 Brno Cardiovision project, a research programme being conducted at…