Entries by Jiří Erlebach

Monitoring red blood cells during extreme physical exertion

The blood of many animals, including humans, contains about 40% red blood cells, which bind oxygen but also impede blood flow in the blood vessels. Mathematical models suggest that 40% is optimal. It provides the highest oxygen supply to the tissues. Nature has arrived at it through evolution. However, previous theories have not explained why […]


Experts from Kardiovize will offer preventive check-ups

The Kardiovize team from the International Clinical Research Centre of St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno has prepared preventive examinations for the public, aimed at the possible detection of cardiometabolic diseases. Interested people will undergo a medical examination by a doctor, a sonograph or a nutritional counsellor. Preventive check-ups – especially for cardiometabolic diseases – […]

Martin Toul won an award for the best poster at the FEBS Congress

Mgr. Martin Toul, a member of the Protein Engineering team at International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC), won the poster of the day award at the 45th Congress of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS). In addition, he also won the Outstanding poster of FEBS Open Bio Editor prize, […]