Entries by Jiří Erlebach

Comparison of the accuracy of different measuring methods for myocardial deformation

When it comes to evaluating myocardial deformations (strains), cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is a widely used tool and offers a number of techniques for this purpose. The method of tagging is considered to be the gold standard for the evaluation of myocardial strain using CMR. But due to its specific requirements (need to scan […]


The hospital launched a cannabis cultivation facility

The St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno has launched a trial run of its own experimental cannabis cultivation facility. It has become the first medical facility in the Czech Republic to grow medicinal cannabis. For the time being for research purposes. St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA) is the leading Czech institution in the development and […]

Day in the life of Research Scientist – Sofia Morazzo

A typical day starts with going over the experimental planning of the day, and then starting the experiments or data analysis, studying, or writing scientific papers. There is some flexibility and some level of control over your day. However, all experiments are very time-consuming and require a constant level of attention to detail, keeping track […]