Entries by Jiří Erlebach


Irena Rektorová: As a hospital, we cannot co-found a spin-off

In an interview with Irena Rektorova, a physician and head of the International Clinical Research Center (ICRC), a joint workplace of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA) and the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University (LF MU), we talked not only about how to run a research institution – unique in the Czech Republic – that […]


ICRC concludes its MAGNET project on ageing

The project entitled “Unveiling the molecular determinants of aging to design new therapeutics (MAGNET)” has now successfully concluded at the International Clinical Research Center (ICRC) in Brno. Its main focus was research of selected ageing-associated diseases, understanding their mechanisms and finding potential targets for their treatment. The project, which gained great support from the European […]


We have identified a new potential target for the treatment of heart failure

Heart failure is the leading cause of death worldwide. Scientists at the International Clinical Research Centre (ICRC) in Brno have identified a potential target for the treatment of heart disease that is related to the location and function of a protein called hnRNPC. They have now published their findings in the prestigious journal Science Translational […]