Entries by Jiří Erlebach

Schoolchildren of the Visegrad Four learn according to the HOBIT programme

More than 1,700 primary school pupils from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary have received special training on stroke and heart attack through e-learning. A total of 152 classes from 29 primary schools and 56 teachers from the Visegrad Four countries participated in the project “V4 HOBIT: Saving Lives in the V4 through Health […]


Minister for Science, Research and Innovation visited FNUSA-ICRC

The International Clinical Research Centre of St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno was visited by Mgr. Helena Langšádlová, Minister of Science, Research and Innovation. During her visit, she learned not only about the history and current activities of the Centre, but also about future plans and visited the workplaces of several research teams. At the […]

Negative role of mitochondria in the treatment of neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is one of the most common malignant tumors in children. It typically affects very young children and sometimes occurs before birth. Neuroblastoma arises from immature cells that commonly form peripheral nerve tissue, including the adrenal medulla, where this tumour is most commonly diagnosed. The causes of the tumour are not fully understood, although it […]