Entries by kapcarova


The pandemic in Brno affected women mentally more

Feeling lonely, worried about the health of their loved ones and stress from an unstable situation. The pandemic of the COVID-19 disease affected not only the physical health of the population, but also the mental health, which has now been confirmed by research in which researchers from the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s […]

On the trail of immune reactions in sepsis

Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are heterogenic populations of cells that, due to their suppressive activity, negatively affect the body’s immune response during inflammation, infections, but also after transplants or in oncological diseases. The role of these cells in sepsis, popularly called blood poisoning, was the focus of the Cellular and Molecular Immunoregulation research team […]

The Story of a Stroke: The Patient’s Journey

Let’s stop the world together for a moment and take a closer look at what life looks like second by second when the stroke decides to turn it upside down. Together with experts in cerebrovascular research and rehabilitation care, during the webinar we compile a comprehensive picture of the path that a person affected by […]