Entries by kapcarova

The first this year’s meeting of ENOCH project took place online

The Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Approach to Healthy Aging (ENOCH) project focuses on finding treatment for the diseases that most affect aging, such as dementia, cancer and heart disease. Five scientific centers in Moravia cooperate on it, in addition to our center it is the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine of Palacký University in […]

Visceral fat and cardiometabolic risk

New publication of the Kardiovize research team of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) deals with visceral fat, ie body fat that is stored around vital organs. “This is the first published study conducted in Central and Eastern Europe,” said Dr. Juan Pablo Gonzalez Rivas, Principal Investigator of Kardiovize […]

My goal? Effective linking of scientific disciplines for the benefit of the patient

Jan Mičan became one of the holders of this year’s Dean’s Award of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University for the best undergraduate students of the faculty. He received it in the Category for outstanding scientific performance, where he took first place. The Dean’s Award is given according to more selective criteria than in previous […]