The Dementia FNUSA-ICRC Team Co-authored the Publication in Nature Reviews Neurology

The Principal Investigator of Dementia research team of FNUSA-ICRC Prof. Jakub Hort and the senior researcher of the team Assoc. Prof. Jan Laczó are co-authors of the manuscript that has been published in the prestigious international scientific…

Visits of young researchers from India and the USA: Interviews

Pratiksha Bhat “FNUSA-ICRC is a very good place to learn and improve my knowledge professionally as there is a lot of opportunity to learn and grow in this institute.” You come from India. What have you studied there? I…

New Cooperation with the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice

A bilateral cooperation agreement with the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice has been signed, specifically between the FNUSA-ICRC research team Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology Team and the Polish team of Clinical Cardiology…