The FNUSA-ICRC representative participated in the EEICT competition

In April, the twenty-fifth year of the EEICT student conference, organized by the Faculty of Electronics and Communication, VÚT Brno, took place. More than one hundred and seventy students made it to the finals, including Bohdan Tyshchenko, junior statistics in the Biostatistics research group. His contribution, DETECTION OF PATHOLOGICAL VERTEBRAE IN SPINAL CT UTILISED BY MACHINE LEARNING METHODS, was represented in the Master’s section and dealt with the use of AI using a forward neural network.
At the same time, we want to congratulate on the important personal success, successfully mastered the degree examinations. And what’s his plans for the future? “I am fascinated by the issue of Artificial Intelligence, and I would like to focus on Machine Learning Data Science, which includes neural networks,” said fresh “Diploma Engineer“ Tyshchenko.